Departments & Curriculum | Portsmouth Abbey School, Rhode Island


Departments & Curriculum



Study of the Classical languages helps create a sense of continuity in Western history, thought and language. 

A grounding in Latin teaches careful reading, clarity of thought and accuracy of expression, facilitating the study of all modern languages. 

Level-one courses are designed to encourage students to continue beyond the second-year into comprehension of the legacy of the Roman World at the third- and fourth-year levels, including elective courses which prepare for the Advanced Placement Examination.  


Do you ever think about where certain English words come from? Did you know that "peninsula" means "almost an island?" Do you want to know the difference between "e.g." and "i.e.?" Do you want to know what "etc." means? Do you want to know the difference between "who" and "whom?" Do you want to know the difference between the active and passive voice? You will learn all these things in Latin I and then some! This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of the Latin language, and in the process, you will learn more about the workings of the English language. As you learn the vocabulary and forms of Latin, you will learn to think logically and with very close attention to detail. By reading adapted passages of Livy, Terence, Cicero, Caesar, Horace, Vergil, and Ovid in Latin for the New Millennium, you will be in direct contact with the Latin authors who helped shape the English language and English literature. 


The story of Latin continues in the Latin II course as you read authors of the medieval period while also reading un-adapted passages of Cicero.  You will hone your translation skills as you learn more complex rules of Latin grammar. As a result, you will also develop an appreciation for the English language and its more complicated constructions, such as the difference between a gerund and a participle. By the end of the year, you will be ready to tackle Latin literature! 


Have you ever found yourself reading Vergil's Aeneid or a myth told by Ovid and wondered what the actual Latin words were? In this class, you will do just that! You don't have to read a translation of a poem by Horace, a political speech of Cicero, or an example of leadership by Caesar.  You will read the original Latin and learn to analyze the style of each author. You can also get dating advice from the poet Ovid! As you read both prose and poetry, you will come across figures of speech such as litotes and transferred epithet that you will also see in your English classes. By the end of this course, you will be ready to take on the challenge of the Advanced Placement course. 


When you hear the name Julius Caesar, you probably think of the dictator in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. But did you know that Caesar was also famous for his writing style? While conquering Gaul (modern-day France), Caesar wrote "commentaries" describing his conquests and the characteristics of the people he encountered. Writing in the 3rd person about his own accomplishments and failures, he reported his victories to the Roman Senate and people. Was it an unbiased account? Read the Commentaries on the Gallic War and find out!  

The Advanced Placement syllabus also includes the epic poem of Rome's most famous poet Vergil. In the Aeneid, you will travel with Aeneas from Troy to Rome in an effort to establish a new city, but you will encounter diversions and distractions along the way.  While Caesar presents his account in a factual and historical manner, Vergil's poetic language and devices will tug on your heartstrings and pull you into the fall of Troy. 


The world’s greatest literature brings the questions to life – Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?  

We offer students an encounter with such timeless works wherever they appear, whether in ancient Greece or in contemporary America. Our Benedictine character calls us in a particular way to explore the spiritual dimension of the works we read and to teach with an eye toward the development of our students’ characters. 

Students learn to read slowly and reflectively and are often required to annotate in the margins. They are trained in the craft of academic writing, learning to form intelligent arguments and communicate them clearly. Each year students submit a portfolio of their written work, demonstrating a commitment to revision as well as composition.  


The Third Form curriculum provides students with a foundation in serious reading, writing, and thinking via an encounter with some of the most famous works in history. Texts include Homer’s Odyssey, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich, as well as other short fiction and poetry. Students learn the foundational art of close reading and annotation, as well as the skills of poetry recitation and public speaking. Writing instruction focuses on the argumentative essay, the building block of academic writing in all genres. Students learn how to craft a thesis statement and support it with textual evidence, with special emphasis placed on paragraph structure and organization of ideas. Above all, students are encouraged to use these skills to investigate what the texts have to say about what it means to live well, and to examine their own lives in light of what they discover. 


What does it mean to be American? In what ways is this identity universal? In what ways is it particular to the American experiment? Questions like these guide students in their Fifth Form year as they read some of the most prominent works in the American canon. After starting the year with Shakespeare’s Hamlet, students trace the beginnings of American literary culture in Concord, Massachusetts in studying the Transcendentalists and Nathaniel Hawthorne. In the winter the curriculum dives deeply into Melville’s Moby-Dick, followed by a study of the Harlem Renaissance and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby in the spring. Writing instruction encourages students to explore and develop their ideas through close reading and analysis of the text. The students’ concurrent study of American history provides them with an excellent opportunity to examine how history and culture inform each other and continue to shape our present moment. Interested students have the option to take the AP English Language exam at the end of the year. 


The Sixth Form year mirrors the structure, content, and expectations of a college-level course. All students read Shakespeare’s King Lear, and the remainder of the syllabus is crafted by their particular teacher. Current thematic offerings include “Modern Spiritual Crisis,” “Wise and Foolish Counsel,” and “Mourning and Meaning: Literature of Cultural Crisis from Antigone to Demon Copperhead.” In all cases, English Seminar and Thesis is an intensive reading, writing, and speaking course. Students are responsible for seminar discussions and write a literary-critical thesis, on a book and topic of their own choosing, in the Spring Term. 

The Iron Law of AP English is close attention to words, the crucial skill of every real reader, writer, and speaker. Students will learn the ways of words from the greats through frequent explication of literary masterworks. The readings include Renaissance sonnets, Metaphysical lyrics, and a selection of Romantic and modern poems. We also study Shakespeare’s King Lear, Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, Synge’s Playboy of the Western World, and Morrison’s Beloved and a selection of short stories. Daily participation in seminar discussion drives the course. Students write frequent ex tempore close reading essays and present memorized poetry recitations. The course culminates in the Senior Thesis in the spring.  


This class explores the main genres of creative writing (Fiction, Poetry, and Drama). Students develop their skills by reading modern texts, participating in daily exercises, and composing numerous short stories, plays and poems. With a playful approach, students learn to evoke the senses of the reader, while integrating the primary elements of storytelling, including setting, plot, character and theme. They experiment with various forms of poetry, such as “found poems” and free verse, along with more traditional forms. In the spring, the class assists with publishing the school literary arts magazine, The Raven, by editing submissions and formatting the layout with Adobe InDesign software. 

Visual ARTS

Bridging the connection between a rigorous academic curriculum and personal expression, the Visual Arts program at Portsmouth Abbey School is a motivating and competitive program that fosters creativity and allows students to share their ideas visually while developing an appreciation for all forms of art. 

Guided by teachers who are also resident artists, students build confidence, explore outlets for self-expression and expand visual literacy through an analysis of their own artwork.

Throughout the visual art curriculum, students are asked to think about how they are communicating their ideas, open pathways for cross-disciplinary collaborations and aesthetically analyze the works of their peers and other artists. The curriculum can be tailored to a specific interest, from Fundamentals of Art to AP Art History.  


Fundamentals of Art is the prerequisite course for all other studio art classes at Portsmouth Abbey School. This yearlong course is an introduction to the essential foundation skills for all art media.  Students will have the opportunity to experience a variety of different visual arts media as they learn to think aesthetically, observe critically and develop creative problem-solving skills. This course will emphasize perspective, composition and color theory through the exploration of different media and an introduction to the work of different artists and art movements throughout history.  At the end of the year, each student will have experienced every visual arts discipline we have to offer, while producing a collection of work to build their confidence and enroll in other art courses. 

2-D ART 

Students will be exposed to the ideas of making non-representational and representational works of art that stimulate their ideas and visual expression. With a basis of skills and understandings from the Fundamentals of Art course, students in this yearlong course will solve advanced artistic problems while working in more challenging two-dimensional media. Using a variety of materials such as graphite, charcoal, watercolor, acrylic and oil paint, students will have the opportunity to explore creative subjects such as still life compositions or plein air. To conclude the year in 2-D Art, each student works on a six-week independent project that speaks to their own artistic voice and challenges them to begin thinking conceptually. This final project is the start of building an art portfolio to represent the student's artistic skills for further discovery in Advanced Art. 


Have you ever ‘thrown’ a pot or ‘pulled’ a handle? Students who have completed the Fundamentals of Art prerequisite course may explore all of this and more in our year-long ceramics course. The techniques of hand-built and wheel-thrown functional forms and non-utilitarian sculptural forms will be taught along with glaze application, kiln firing procedures, and clay conservation and reconstitution. Upon completion, students will have a knowledge base of the ceramic processes and a collection of work for developing a ceramic portfolio. 

If you have ever wondered about the magic of the photographic process, this yearlong course allows students to experience the creative processes of both digital and film photography. This course combines aesthetic appreciation with technical instruction to guide students in producing a portfolio of fine quality prints. During the first half of the year, students will concentrate on digital photography and image editing with Photoshop. In the last half of the year, students will learn to use traditional 35mm SRL cameras, develop black and white film and produce prints in our spacious, well-equipped darkroom. Each student must have completed a full year of Fundamentals of Art in order to enroll in this course, as well as provide their own DSLR digital camera with the ability to shoot in Manual mode and capture raw image files. At the completion of the year, each student will have a portfolio of prints, which can be used as a supplement in their college application or the beginning of an advanced art portfolio. 


Students who have completed at least two years, or the equivalent of two art courses, in the art curriculum have the ability to enroll in Advanced Art. Each student enrolled in this course will have the opportunity to experience what it means to be a true artist in a studio. Each student will work on a series of artworks which will be used to develop a final high school art portfolio. This portfolio can be used for an application to a college art program or as a supplement for college applications in other areas of study. In Advanced Art, students will be able to work in any media which they studied in a previous specific media class, such as Photography, Ceramics or 2-D Art. The Advanced Art course is designed to challenge students to develop a cohesive body of work with regular feedback and critique. Students will continue to develop both an appreciation for art and a personal voice through their chosen creative processes. 


From the immense pyramids to the mundane soup can, the entire course of human history can be traced through the study of art. In the AP Art History class, students travel through time with art as their compass. As students begin to understand the context surrounding a work of art, they are asked to form an opinion on its value both aesthetically and historically. We also tackle the larger issues still controversial in the art world: Should the Elgin Marbles be returned to Greece? Should Van Meegeren have been punished or praised for his forgeries? Is a Jeff Koons artwork really worth millions of dollars? After taking the AP Art History course, students will see that art isn't just confined to museums and textbooks, but rather it surrounds us in our everyday lives. 

Independent Study & Special Programs 

In addition to its formal curriculum, Portsmouth Abbey offers several programs: 


Students may pursue formal independent study for credit at points in their academic careers where experience and interest warrant. Independent study allows students to take full advantage of our faculty's expertise and availability. Students normally elect independent study to pursue special academic interests not usually available in a secondary school curriculum. 


This course provides information and discussion opportunities for students on selected health topics. Topics include stress (recognizing and dealing with), sleep, disease, medication use (over the counter and prescription), nutrition, tobacco, smokeless tobacco, marijuana, and alcohol. The Medical Services Department and professional guest speakers present topics. 


This series of presentations begins with a discussion on stress and sleep. Other topics include alcohol, reproduction, sexuality, and disease (in general and what’s new in the news). The Medical Services Department and professional guest speakers present topics. 


Sixth Form students may elect to pursue a project as part of their program. These projects range from very formal academic activities that carry academic credit to less formal projects that allow students to pursue a particular interest. Some projects allow students to take a short leave of absence. 


Instruction in piano, guitar, drums, voice, and standard orchestral instruments is readily available to students at Portsmouth Abbey. On the recommendation of the Director of Music, academic credit may be given for instrumental lessons if taken for at least two years. 


Students may, with departmental approval, elect to use the afternoon activity time to practice an instrument. This practice may be dedicated to individual instrumental rehearsals, geared toward a student recital or other venues. During the Winter Term, students may, with the approval of the Director of Music, choose to practice in preparation for performing in the pit orchestra for the Winter Musical. 


During the afternoon activity time, students have the opportunity to work in small musical groups to learn the art of chamber music. The students learn how to work together as a single entity in achieving a unified effect and goal. The repertoire (primarily classical) also provides opportunities for practice in sight-reading, solo performance, and improvisational skills. Each group performs publicly at various school functions. 


The Abbey Singers is the premier choral ensemble at Portsmouth Abbey.  Focusing on concert repertoire both sacred and secular, the Abbey Singers is a versatile group that performs music, both on and off campus, ranging from Palestrina to Billy Joel. Past collaborations have included concerts with Ponagansett High School and musicians from the U.S. Coast Guard Band. All Abbey students are welcome to participate. At the recommendation of the Director of Music, academic credit may be given to a student in the Abbey Singers following two years of participation. 


The Abbey Orchestra is the principle instrumental ensemble at Portsmouth Abbey. With members playing instruments ranging from piano to piccolo, the Abbey Orchestra learns and performs a wide variety of music ranging from orchestral classics to movie scores. The Abbey Orchestra performs both on and off campus and will often collaborate with the Abbey Singers. Any Abbey student with approximately one year or more of experience with an instrument is welcome to join. At the recommendation of the Director of Music, academic credit may be given to a student in the Abbey Orchestra following two years of participation. 


The Abbey Schola is a small vocal ensemble that provides liturgical music for school liturgies, particularly the Sunday Mass. The group is comprised of students taking a Sixth Form Christian Doctrine elective, or under formers who may fill in spaces as needed. This is a select group capable of learning and performing more advanced liturgical music. Abbey Schola members may also enroll in the Abbey Singers. 


The Abbey Jazz Ensemble provides an opportunity for students to learn and perform jazz standards and explore improvisation and ensemble skills. Any Abbey student with approximately one year or more of experience on an instrument is welcome to join. The Jazz Ensemble performs both on and off campus. 


There are two a cappella groups at Portsmouth Abbey, one for boys and one for girls, that have proven to be very popular. Each group rehearses weekly and is primarily student run with guidance from the Director of Music. Frequent performances for campus functions provide great exposure for each group. 


The chamber orchestra rehearses twice a week and performs both with the Abbey Singers and alone at special occasions throughout the year. 


The Abbey Players' philosophy is that there is something for everyone in theater: acting, singing, dancing, and stagecraft. Three formal dramatic productions are staged each year, including the annual Winter Musical. Participation as an Abbey Player is open to the entire student body by audition at the beginning of each term. Recent shows include: You can’t take it with you, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Anything Goes, Macbeth, Fiddler on the Roof, Antigone, Romeo and Juliet, The Sound of Music, Beauty and the Beast, and The New Play Festival: featuring student-written plays. 


We conceive of history not simply as an edifying entertainment or utilitarian exercise in citizen building, but as a moral exercise: the critical examination of what our human nature has wrought in its ever-changing physical, cultural and temporal settings. 

Guiding students through the Ancient and Medieval epochs and into the Modern European and the American experiences, the history curriculum introduces the great personalities, ideas and decisions that shaped Western Civilization. 

Our dedication to the development of insightful reading, critical thinking and compelling speech and writing is further supported with electives in the social sciences, global history and a focused national case study. 


It turns out we've always been us! Our first foray into the past introduces Third Form students to this greatest, most humbling, but, ultimately, most liberating truth that Clio has to offer: The strange looking folks in the rear-view mirror are more like us than they first appear. This inquiry into the peoples and cultures of the earliest river valley civilizations, Egypt, Greece, and pagan and Christian Rome also familiarizes students with the methodologies and philosophies of history that will inform their subsequent work in the discipline. While recognizing their inseparability, we prioritize the role of the human person over abstract forces in our story. Call it "radical traditionalism" if you like, but it fires the imagination! This inspiring and practical exercise in reading, thinking, speaking and writing like historians prepares our scholars for the mounting intellectual challenges of the Humanities course that follows. 


Who are the Americans? How, if at all, do the people and nation differ from others around the globe? From the first colonial generation of the 17th Century through our own, Americans have wrestled with this identity issue and its profound implications. It has shaped the collective imagination and countless individual perspectives. In tracing the national experience through its characters great and small, we attempt to define that deeply rooted, but evolving, sense of self. Close reading of primary and secondary texts, discussion and debate, and both critical/analytical and research writing challenge students in the development of the discipline's sophisticated skill set. This vital intellectual exercise yields young men and women confident in their growing ability to think about the American story like historians. 


This course guides our brightest and most motivated scholars in the pursuit of two practical goals: efficient preparation for the Advanced Placement standardized test in the spring and a confident facility with the philosophies and methodologies necessary to a sophisticated understanding of the American past. Our historians-in-training learn to manage the details (and tensions) of realistic narratives in support of the analysis and criticism of the human agency at the heart of both continuity and change. More than a decade of exemplary test scores and grateful graduate testimonies attest to the value of this multidimensional academic exercise. The class makes serious demands...and repays them handsomely. 


America's smallest state has enjoyed a crucial impact on American history. From Roger Williams' stubborn insistence on freedom of conscience, through ingenious capitalists' fiery resistance to British tyranny, to Newport's Gilded Age society and beyond, Rhode Islanders innovate and adapt to challenges. Along the way, the students will debate the achievements and foibles of unique figures like Anne Hutchinson, the Brown Brothers, and Alva Belmont. This full-year elective course demands the type of scholarly research, historiographical study, and student-led discussion that they will confront at the nation's most selective colleges. 


The Italian Renaissance (1300-1650) was one of the greatest intellectual and cultural epochs in world history. In this seminar we will cover Florence, Rome, and the other Italian states in the age of plagues and cathedrals, in the age of Dante, Petrarch, Machiavelli, and Castiglione, in the age of humanism, philosophy, art and a revived classicism. There will be a focus on history, but we will also cover literature, politics and religion. We will use primary source readings as well as secondary sources.    


AP U.S. Government and Politics is a college-level elective course in U.S. government and politics. Students cultivate their understanding of U.S. government and politics through analysis of data and text- based sources as they explore topics like constitutionalism, liberty and order, civic participation in a representative democracy, competing policy-making interests, and methods of political analysis.  The students will delve into primary and secondary sources in order to develop vital critical thinking skills and gain a better understanding of the competing and counterbalancing forces binding the republic together in a polarizing political climate. 


The Humanities curriculum provides all Fourth Form students with a solid foundation in English, History and Theology through an intensive interdisciplinary grounding in the language, literature, history and thought of the West from St. Paul and St. Augustine to the present. Seminars give students the opportunity to analyze and discuss the great books of the Western Tradition while lectures and plenary sessions provide necessary background and context. Small writing sections allow for individual work in writing and in critical thinking and help to sharpen student skills in rhetoric and poetics. Texts read include Dante, Shakespeare, Milton, Joyce, St. Paul, St. Augustine, St. Thomas More, Descartes, Pascal, Locke, Marx, and St. Thomas Aquinas. 


Mathematics develops critical thinking, problem solving and concise logical reasoning skills. The Math Department emphasizes problem solving in our formative courses (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II) to help bring about strategies and skills for solving challenging problems logically. 

Developing a solid base of skills and techniques early on will help foster a foundation that will bring success in our higher-level courses. 

Students who enter the program at any level are placed as close as possible to the point that their previous preparation warrants. New students are placed by the Department Chair, who bases their placement on standardized tests scores, official transcripts and previous teacher recommendations. Regardless of the requirement, nearly all students take mathematics during each year at Portsmouth Abbey. 


All of the greatest discoveries in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics begin with the mastery of Algebra 1. The field properties of the real numbers are used throughout the development of this course. Within this framework, Algebra I includes the study of polynomials, equations and inequalities, linear functions, systems of equations, factoring and fractions, exponents and radicals, general quadratic equations and quadratic functions. Students get their first taste of mathematical modeling in this course. 


Everyone knows that the sides of a right triangle fit the pattern , but in Geometry you do not have to take someone's word for it - you can actually prove it to yourself! In geometry - for the first time, really - students begin to see that they can actually provide the reasons that allow them to show the correct solutions. Many people say they learned how to think and win arguments after taking a proof-oriented geometry course. The principal concern of this course is to make the student articulate about geometric concepts. Working with undefined terms, definitions, postulates and theorems, the student's intuition is tested and a logical structure is constructed. Where necessary, related algebraic skills are reviewed and integrated into the course.  


Take a stroll around the plane and answer big questions such as:  Am I real? Rational? Irrational? Imaginary? Complex? This is also the course where you learn how functions can help you model the real world. There is a general development of functions with the emphasis on linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Sequences, series, and elementary concepts of probability are also studied. There is normally one Honors section of this course. 


The topics covered include functions and their graphs (including polynomial, rational, algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions), analytic geometry, polar coordinates, complex numbers, sequences, series, and limits. The TI-nspire CX II CAS continues to be used to enhance and support the student’s mathematical understanding. 


A primary objective of this course is to broaden the student's understanding of the logical structure of mathematics. Material covered includes: mathematical induction, analytic geometry (including rotation of axes), trigonometry, field axioms, complex numbers, functions and their graphs (including polynomial, rational, algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic), and probability. The course concludes with an intensive exploration of the numerical aspects of limits, sequences and series, and the integral to provide a foundation for AP Calculus BC. 


Through active learning, the students learn to look for an overall pattern in a set of data as well as how to interpret the deviations from that pattern. Students learn the fundamental concepts of inferential and descriptive statistics while completing the College Board AP Statistics syllabus, equivalent to one semester of undergraduate statistics. (Note: Algebra II/Introduction to Analysis is a prerequisite for this course but may be taken concurrently with the permission of the Department.) 


In life, nothing remains the same forever. Calculus helps you understand and appreciate the "how" and "why" of change. Students learn the fundamental concepts and applications of differential and integral calculus while completing the College Board AP Calculus AB syllabus, equivalent to one semester of undergraduate calculus. 


The College Board AP Calculus BC syllabus, equivalent to two semesters of undergraduate calculus, is completed. Calculus BC includes the Calculus AB syllabus, with some topics explored in more depth, as well as additional work with parametric, vector, and polar functions and infinite series. 


For students who have taken AP Calculus prior to their Form VI year, we offer an advanced topics course. In previous years, we have covered Real Analysis, Multivariable Calculus, and Number Theory. 

This year, we're studying Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, using the text by MIT Professor Gilbert Strang. These are the two most important subjects in undergraduate level mathematics, and we will examine them both, independently at first, and then we'll combine them to see how the ideas behind vector spaces will help solve some beautiful systems of differential equations. 


Do you want to learn the basic concepts underlying the software in the many devices in our lives that are powered by microprocessors? The College Board AP Computer Science syllabus is completed, equivalent to one semester of introductory undergraduate computer science. 


This sixth form elective course is a full year introduction to the study of economics.  Using N. Gregor Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, students explore topics in both microeconomics and macroeconomics.  Students begin with the ten principles of economics, work through the essence of supply and demand to gain an overview of how markets work.  The course then takes a close look at firm behavior and the organization of industry with the costs of production and the four major types of markets.  Inherent in this study is critical thought regarding a firm’s decision-making method and the effects on the overall market.  Moving on to the macro level, students study national income, cost of living, GDP, saving, investment, tools of finance and unemployment. Throughout the year, students explore economics in action through current events and given the global community at Portsmouth Abbey, they gain an understanding of theory relevant to the global economy through personal experience. 

Modern Languages 

The general goal of language instruction is communication: understanding, speaking, reading and writing the new language. These goals are achieved through patterned drills, vocabulary acquisition, detailed presentations of grammar, reading short texts and writing compositions. In the first two years special emphasis is placed on oral comprehension and speaking. In the upper-level courses, emphasis is placed on direct comprehension of literary texts rather than translation. 

The intensive study of modern languages provides students with invaluable access to new cultures, fostering systems thinking and cultural appreciation through reading literature in its original language.  

Students are also introduced to the culture and civilization of the nations where the language is spoken. Placement in the following courses is done by the Department Head after careful consideration of the student's previous experience.  



Students are introduced to basic vocabulary, French pronunciation, and elementary grammar structure. The majority of the class is conducted in French. Students begin communicating in French from the first class day. As their knowledge base grows, students incorporate vocabulary and grammar in groups of practical scenarios. While practicing the language, students also learn about the people, places and customs of the French-speaking world through cultural reading. Throughout the year, students are evaluated on their written, oral, listening, and reading comprehension ability. 


In this course, vocabulary expansion and basic study of grammar is completed. The language becomes a tool by which students engage in meaningful communication. The students learn to talk about travel, food, health, and shopping vocabulary and are required to use this information in artistic projects and oral presentations. The emphasis is placed on specific vocabulary and verb tenses and students begin to apply both in conversation. The students also learn about French culture and history by reading stories and writing more frequently. The class is conducted entirely in French. 


Students continue learning vocabulary and more basic grammar structures as well as to read and write in the new language. The language becomes a tool by which students engage in meaningful conversation. The emphasis is placed on verb tenses and students begin to apply them in conversation. Students learn to talk about travel, food, health, and shopping vocabulary and are required to use this information in artistic projects and oral presentations. The students learn about French culture and history by reading stories and writing more frequently. The class is conducted entirely in French. 


In this course students continue to learn vocabulary and tackle new, more difficult grammar structures and verb tenses at a faster pace. Emphasis is placed on learning to write and to speak in the language using the complex grammar, verb tenses, and expressions presented in this course. Through textbook readings and online francophone newspapers, students practice their reading comprehension and become more familiar with the culture in French-speaking countries. Upon completion of the course, students may wish to take the SAT Subject Test in French. The class is conducted entirely in French. 


In this course, students continue learning vocabulary, advanced grammar structures, and verb tenses at a faster pace. Emphasis is placed on learning to write and to speak in the language using the complex grammar, verb tenses, and expressions presented in the course. Through their readings of textbook selections, online francophone newspapers, students master reading comprehension and become more familiar with culture in French-speaking countries. Students perfect their abilities to speak, write and read in French. Upon completion of the course, students may wish to take the SAT Subject Test in French. The course is conducted entirely in French. 


This course focuses on a survey of French history, literature and grammar. Students begin with a concentrated review of grammar and learn to read for comprehension and full participation in class discussion. Francophone culture is researched and discussed by students by reading online newspapers.  An equal emphasis is placed on aural skills – both speaking and oral comprehension that are practiced through classroom discussions. The class is conducted entirely in French. 


This course focuses on a survey of French history, literature and grammar. Students begin with a concentrated review of grammar and learn to read more carefully for comprehension and full participation in class discussion. An emphasis is placed on writing papers, long paragraphs and summaries. Students learn to rely on their knowledge and ability to comprehend through context and less on dictionaries. An equal emphasis is placed on aural skills – both speaking and oral comprehension that is practiced through research, class presentations as well as frequent classroom discussion. The course is conducted entirely in French. 


This course prepares students for the French AP Language and Culture Exam which assesses speaking, listening comprehension, reading, writing and culture in francophone countries. The course focuses on integrating these skills authentically and meaningfully through a wide variety of exercises to enable effective communication on tasks and social situations with a native speaker. The course begins with an intense grammar review and a survey of francophone literature. Students learn more about French culture in many francophone countries through online news, research and readings. Students become proficient in reading and oral comprehension of authentic material, master the ability to speak and write in both formal and informal settings.  The Spring Term is devoted to practice for the AP exam using test materials and workbooks specifically designed for the exam.  



Students are introduced to basic vocabulary and elementary grammar structures. The majority of the class is conducted in Spanish. Students begin communicating in Spanish from the first day in class. As their knowledge base grows, students incorporate vocabulary and grammar in group presentations of practical scenarios. While practicing the language, students also learn about the people, places, and customs of the Spanish speaking world through cultural readings. Throughout the year, students are evaluated on their written, oral, listening, and reading comprehension ability. 


In this course vocabulary expansion and basic study of grammar is completed. The language becomes a tool by which students engage in meaningful communication. The students learn to talk about travel, food, shopping, the environment, health, and outdoor activities. The students also learn about Spanish speaking cultures. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish. 


In this course students complete their basic grammar study. The students are able to use the language to truly communicate through classroom discussion and debate. They learn vocabulary for travel, food, shopping, the environment, health and outdoor activities, and are required to use this information in artistic projects and oral presentations. The students also learn about Spanish-speaking cultures in the textbook, and by reading authentic stories from all over the Spanish speaking world. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish. 


This course is designed for the student who has completed at least two years of Spanish. This course emphasizes the four communicative skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing in a culturally authentic context. The development of advanced vocabulary, reading comprehension, speaking, and writing skills are stressed.  Reading selections from famous Spanish and Latin American literature are included to give the student a deeper insight into Hispanic civilizations and the culture of Spanish speaking people. Upon completion of the course, students may wish to take the SAT Subject Test in Spanish.  The course is conducted entirely in Spanish. 


This course is designed for the student who has mastered the fundamentals of Spanish at the Spanish 2 level.  This accelerated course emphasizes the four communicative skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing in a culturally authentic context. The development of advanced vocabulary, reading comprehension, speaking and writing skills are stressed. The coursework leads students to gain greater sophistication and breadth in their spoken and written expression.  Reading selections from famous Spanish and Latin American literature are included to give the student a deeper insight into Spanish and Latin American civilizations and culture of Spanish speaking people.  Students are expected to maintain a highly active participation level in class.  Upon completion of the course, students may wish to take the SAT Subject Test in Spanish.  The course is conducted entirely in Spanish. 


This course concentrates on intensive and advanced study of Spanish and Latin American literature and history. Students learn about Spanish and Latin American culture through in-depth research projects and presentations on important historical figures, events, and places. A heavy emphasis is placed on oral communication through classroom discussion and debate. Students are required to form and express their opinions through reaction papers and class discussion. Current events are scrutinized whenever possible. Students also enhance their grammar skills through grammar review and composition essays. Listening comprehension is practiced daily since this course is conducted entirely in Spanish. 


This course concentrates on intensive and advanced study of Spanish and Latin American literature and history.  Students learn about Spanish and Latin American culture through in-depth research projects and presentations on important events and historical figures.  A heavy emphasis is placed on oral communication through classroom discussion and debate.  Students are required to form and express their opinions about relevant topics.  They are also required to monitor the current events in a Spanish speaking country of their choice in order to become familiar with that country and later present personal conclusions to the class.  Students also enhance their grammar skills and their writing ability through grammar reviews, reaction papers, and creative essays.  Listening comprehension is practiced daily since this course is conducted entirely in Spanish. 


This course prepares students for the Spanish AP Language Test which assesses the student’s speaking, listening comprehension, writing, and grammar abilities. The course focuses on integrating these skills authentically and meaningfully. The course begins with an intense grammar review and by the Spring Term the students are introduced to materials that closely duplicate the AP Exam. 


This course prepares students to analyze and write compositions on selected 19th and 20th century Spanish and Latin American novelists, poets, and dramatists. As a prerequisite, students must have earned a 4 or 5 on the Spanish AP Language exam. 



In this beginning course, students learn pronunciation patterns, tones, and basic grammatical structures. Vocabulary, numbers and basic greetings are used to prefect pronunciation. For speaking skill, approximately 250 words are introduced. For reading and writings, students learn 200 Chinese characters. Units on Chinese history and culture complement the language portion of the course. This course is open to students with no previous background in Chinese. 


For this course, students should be able to communicate freely on familiar and personal topics. Students will continue to work on grammar and vocabulary to broaden their knowledge of vocabulary words and characters. For speaking skill, approximately 450 words are introduced. For reading and writing, students learn 400 Chinese characters. In this course, students learn more about the history and culture of China. This course is open to students who have completed a First Year Chinese Course. 


This intermediate course gives students the opportunity to expand their oral and written knowledge of Chinese so that they are able to read short stories and discuss daily life topics in the target language. Students continue to build vocabulary and new words. In addition, the study of Chinese history and culture remain an integral part of the course. 

This course aims to help students solidify their knowledge of spoken and written Chinese. Students develop reading strategies to comprehend material composed in formal written Chinese. Authentic resources (literature, newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs) are used. This course prepares students to continue their study of Chinese at an advanced level in college. 


AP Chinese Language and Culture is intended for qualified students who are interested in completing studies comparable in content and difficulty to a full-year course at the second-year college level. The course is taught entirely in Chinese. The primary goal of AP Chinese is to enable students to master conventions of communication through the exploration of topics reflecting multiple aspects of Chinese society and culture, the use of various authentic multimedia and literary materials in different linguistic registers, advanced-level Chinese language structures, and expressive styles.   

Performing Arts 

Through a systematic rehearsal process, students are given the tools to intellectually, physically and vocally expand and strengthen their stage presence and performance abilities. It is an exhilarating experience that builds self-esteem and confidence. 

These experiences will help students in future leadership, artistic and public speaking situations.  Theater is a collaborative art, drawing on the artistry and craftsmanship of other, non-performative disciplines, such as stage, lighting, sound and costume design. For each production, therefore, students are also offered the opportunity to participate as a member of the stage crew, where they can develop their skills in all these areas.  


Music is the most intangible of the arts; yet it has expressed and contributed to the formation of cultures past and present. In the courses described below, students work toward an articulate understanding of music through examination of its language. They become better able to interpret its emotional impact. But, more importantly, they attempt to grasp not only how music is a creative art for composer, performer, and listener, but also what theoretical disciplines and aesthetic laws shape it.  


This course serves as an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in both practical and theoretical elements of music. An introduction to the fundamentals of music theory will set the stage for a broad exploration of several practical music applications including composition, improvisation, performance, and analysis. Each student will be expected to choose a primary instrument with which to participate in the practical music applications during class. For those students with no instrumental experience or those focused on singing, the student may use his/her voice as an instrument. It is also possible for a student to, with the guidance of the teacher, learn a new instrument as part of the course. Throughout the course, the students will be exposed to diverse styles of music ranging from ancient Greek theatrical music to Beethoven’s symphonies to Radiohead. 


The purpose of this course is to provide a broad and intensive curriculum that will delve deeply into the inner workings of music. Aspects of music theory including pitch, rhythm, tonality, melody, harmony, counterpoint, and form will be analyzed in detail. In addition to developing analytical skills necessary for understanding complex musical structures, this course will assist the student in developing aural recognition skills that will allow him/her to both recognize common tonal patterns as well as reproduce these patterns with his/her voice. This course prepares students for the AP Exam in Music Theory. 

Theater and Dance 

Our theater program works with over 80 students annually, serving as an imporatnt platform for budding actors and backstage support. Actors learn to hone their performance skills while delving into the intricacies of stagecraft. Stage crew members acquire invaluable expertise in design, construction techniques and backstage operations, encompassing everything from costumes to lighting and sound systems. 

Our dance program works to build physical strength, flexibility and coordination alongside a heightened aesthetic sensibility. Offered in the spring, the pinnacle of the program is a dazzling performance for the Abbey community, showcasing the dedication and talent of our dancers. Students also have the opportunity to  dance during the winter term through p in the musical production. 


With a playful, hands-on approach, this class introduces students to all aspects of theater, including acting, directing, and playwriting.  Participants engage in many performance-based activities, including improvisation and mask work, as well as rehearsing and performing monologues and scenes from classical and contemporary plays.  Through physical and vocal warm-ups, the students develop a technique for performing, one that will serve them in all public speaking situations.  The class also sheds light on the rich and varied history of theater from around the world.  Students read plays, research periods of drama, and create presentations that connect the past to the present.  Each term, the class attends a live performance at a professional theater in Rhode Island, with artists often visiting the class afterwards to share their experiences.  Overall, students learn about the vital role that theater can play in our communities.     


The Abbey dance program combines the basic goals of both the athletic and performing arts programs: to increase the strength, flexibility and coordination of the student, to refine social interaction, and to cultivate the capacity for presence and aesthetic sensibility. Dance is offered as part of our co-curricular activities in the fall. This program explores modern dance, ballet, tap, jazz, and student choreography, along with strength and flexibility training such as Yoga, Pilates, and Zumba. The program culminates in a performance for the Abbey community at the end of the term.  Students also have an opportunity to dance in the winter term by participating in the musical. 

Extracurricular Music Programs 


Instruction in piano, guitar, drums, voice, and standard orchestral instruments is readily available to students at Portsmouth Abbey. On the recommendation of the Director of Music, academic credit may be given for instrumental lessons if taken for at least two years. 


Students may, with departmental approval, elect to use the afternoon activity time to practice an instrument. This practice may be dedicated to individual instrumental rehearsals, geared toward a student recital or other venues. During the Winter Term, students may, with the approval of the Director of Music, choose to practice in preparation for performing in the pit orchestra for the Winter Musical. 


During the afternoon activity time, students have the opportunity to work in small musical groups to learn the art of chamber music. The students learn how to work together as a single entity in achieving a unified effect and goal. The repertoire (primarily classical) also provides opportunities for practice in sight-reading, solo performance, and improvisational skills. Each group performs publicly at various school functions. 


The Abbey Singers is the premier choral ensemble at Portsmouth Abbey.  Focusing on concert repertoire both sacred and secular, the Abbey Singers is a versatile group that performs music, both on and off campus, ranging from Palestrina to Billy Joel. Past collaborations have included concerts with Ponagansett High School and musicians from the U.S. Coast Guard Band. All Abbey students are welcome to participate. At the recommendation of the Director of Music, academic credit may be given to a student in the Abbey Singers following two years of participation. 


The Abbey Orchestra is the principle instrumental ensemble at Portsmouth Abbey. With members playing instruments ranging from piano to piccolo, the Abbey Orchestra learns and performs a wide variety of music ranging from orchestral classics to movie scores. The Abbey Orchestra performs both on and off campus and will often collaborate with the Abbey Singers. Any Abbey student with approximately one year or more of experience with an instrument is welcome to join. At the recommendation of the Director of Music, academic credit may be given to a student in the Abbey Orchestra following two years of participation. 


The Abbey Schola is a small vocal ensemble that provides liturgical music for school liturgies, particularly the Sunday Mass. The group is comprised of students taking a Sixth Form Christian Doctrine elective, or under formers who may fill in spaces as needed. This is a select group capable of learning and performing more advanced liturgical music. Abbey Schola members may also enroll in the Abbey Singers. 


The Abbey Jazz Ensemble provides an opportunity for students to learn and perform jazz standards and explore improvisation and ensemble skills. Any Abbey student with approximately one year or more of experience on an instrument is welcome to join. The Jazz Ensemble performs both on and off campus. 


There are two a cappella groups at Portsmouth Abbey, one for boys and one for girls, that have proven to be very popular. Each group rehearses weekly and is primarily student run with guidance from the Director of Music. Frequent performances for campus functions provide great exposure for each group. 


The chamber orchestra rehearses twice a week and performs both with the Abbey Singers and alone at special occasions throughout the year. 


The Abbey Players' philosophy is that there is something for everyone in theater: acting, singing, dancing, and stagecraft. Three formal dramatic productions are staged each year, including the annual Winter Musical. Participation as an Abbey Player is open to the entire student body by audition at the beginning of each term. Recent shows include: You can’t take it with you, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Anything Goes, Macbeth, Fiddler on the Roof, Antigone, Romeo and Juliet, The Sound of Music, Beauty and the Beast, and The New Play Festival: featuring student-written plays. 


The Science department at Portsmouth Abbey uses the disciplines of physics, chemistry and biology to teach students how their world works and how to engage with the myriad of information presented to them. 

The Scientific Method is a powerful tool when applied appropriately and students are deeply engaged in inquiry-based experiments that teach them the importance of curiosity, measurement, error analysis and communication in any scientific endeavor. 

Science is only effective when the results are communicated to the world outside of the laboratory. At Portsmouth Abbey we teach students to enjoy the rewards of evaluating data and claims via experimentation and to use the lessons learned in their English, humanities and other classes to effectively communicate the importance of the scientific concepts and their subsequent experimental results.  

Science courses are designed with two major purposes in mind. First, students learn modern scientific methods, particularly its search for order in the universe through experiment and theory. Second, they experience a thorough introduction to the three major divisions of natural science: physics, chemistry, and biology.  

Laboratory experiments utilize the scientific method, which is a systematic way of evaluating information and solving a problem. Experiments show the unique procedures of science, help to demonstrate the nature of scientific proof and illustrate the application of theoretical ideas to the physical world. Students produce original work through open inquiry and engagement with the primary literature to get an "up close and personal" experience with the methods and ideas.  



Every time something moves, Physics is involved. It is the science that looks at the most basic aspects of time, space, and matter to understand energy and why things move. The Fall Term starts with waves as seen in stretched springs and water tanks, followed by sound waves and light waves. Regular lab activities investigate the behavior of Slinkys, tuning forks, mirrors, measuring the speed of sound, prisms, lenses, polarizing filters, and diffraction gratings. Computers and measuring probes are often used to help analyze data. The math is kept simple so as not to distract from the Physics concepts. The Winter Term is largely focused on Newton’s Laws of Motion. Students examine individual moving objects and develop more tools for understanding their motion, including velocity, acceleration, force, momentum, rotation, and energy. Math is used a little more intensively during this term. The Spring Term looks at thermal processes such as heating, phase changes and thermodynamics. The final module includes an investigation into electricity and magnetism. Weekly labs are continued throughout the year to support the underlying course material. 


Advanced Placement (AP) Physics analyzes motion using more sophisticated tools than at the conceptual, introductory level. With weekly lab activities that often use computer-based data collection and analysis software, students gain a solid appreciation of how mathematical models can describe real world events. Trigonometry is used from the start, with increasing use of Calculus as the year goes on. The course includes topics from classical mechanics, including vectors in three dimensions, Newton's laws, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, and rotation. With the fundamental principle mastered, students can then examine more specialized motions, including gravitation and orbits, oscillations of springs and pendulums, and motion subject to damping forces. Students must take the AP-C Examination in Mechanics in the spring. After the exam, students spend time discovering the basics of Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity.   


Chemistry cultivates students’ understanding of the scientific explanations of fantastic chemical phenomena as well as the theoretical applications and exciting applications of Chemistry in everyday life. Through lectures, problem-solving sessions, and hands-on lab investigations, students learn about atomic structure, states of matter, periodic properties, stoichiometry, chemical bonding, solutions, gases, acids and bases, and thermochemistry. In the lab, students put the scientific method into action by learning how to take accurate and precise measurements, record data, perform calculations, analyze results, and summarize findings. Students present their findings in formal lab reports, where they synthesize their findings through concise scientific writing and visual representations of their data. Through these endeavors, students gain a strong comprehension of the concepts behind the Chemistry topics covered in the classroom, preparing them to become excellent scientific thinkers and communicators. 


In Chemistry Honors, students explore many of the same concepts in first-year Chemistry but with more rigor, a faster pace, and more challenging problems to solve (both on paper and in the lab). Students also learn thermochemistry, acids and bases, nuclear chemistry, and electrochemistry in more depth. They spend much of their time in the lab on inquiry-based investigations and scientific writing. 


In Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry, students gain a strong understanding of Chemistry through open inquiry-based lab investigations as they explore the four Big Ideas: scale, proportion, and quantity; structure and properties of substances; transformations; and energy. Specifically, the topics covered include atomic structure, molecular and ionic compound structure, intermolecular forces, chemical reactions, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, electrochemistry, and thermodynamics. Students invest a significant portion of their time in the lab, using Vernier analytical lab equipment, writing formal lab reports, and using professional posters to present their work. Students must take the AP Exam in the spring. After the exam, students embark on a multi-day analytical chemistry lab and/or research project to conclude the year. 


Green Chemistry is a post-AP, independent-study lab course in which students embark on solving the pressing environmental issues of today. Students first gain a background understanding of Green Chemistry through investigations of real-world case studies in environmental history. In these case studies, students learn about the unintended consequences of advancements in Chemistry. Students then learn to approach scientific and engineering endeavors from the perspective of minimizing environmental and toxicological impact and maximizing sustainability. Students focus on the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry by designing and executing an independent research project. For example, this year’s cohort is designing and building a sugar kelp farm to study (1) the environmental benefits of kelp as a wastewater remediator, (2) the health benefits of kelp by measuring antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, and (3) possible heavy metals intake by kelp. In a previous year, students designed and built an anaerobic glove box chamber to carry out a project to convert glycerin (the low-value by-product of biodiesel fuel) to biobutanol. Students may also embark on outreach projects such as creating an original environmental film to promote renewable energy, or designing and promoting a process on campus that highlights Portsmouth Abbey’s commitment to sustainability. 



Biology is literally the study of life. Biology students utilize their backgrounds in Physics and Chemistry to explore the living world through hands-on activities and by engaging with the latest discoveries. Lab experiments cover three broad categories: molecular and cellular biology, organismal biology, and population biology. Students are encouraged to make use of our ecologically diverse campus on the shores of Narragansett Bay by studying local flora and collecting water samples from the pond, estuary, and bay. Students spend time developing their own experiments and evaluating other experiments in order to better recognize what makes for acceptable data and the importance of peer review. Along with an introduction to the concepts and vocabulary of the science of living things, major groups from among the animals and plants are identified and studied with emphasis on their interdependence. Specific areas explored include cellular structure and function, energy usage, reproduction, heredity, evolution, behavior, and ecology. An appreciation of the anatomy and physiology of the major systems of the body helps students to understand the intricacies of their own bodies and what results if balance is not maintained. Students are introduced to the primary research literature and are encouraged to explore their own questions via weekly literature reviews and extensive formal lab reports. 


The main difference between Biology and Biology Honors is the pace and rigor of both the course and the expectations regarding formal lab reports. Scientific writing is a major focus of this class as students write multiple papers per term and start to explore more open-inquiry types of experiments. Students explore biological concepts through daily interactive “chalk-talks,” and the atmosphere more resembles a graduate lab than a high-school classroom. Biology Honors is designed as a natural bridge to Advanced Placement (AP) Biology, as AP Biology focuses open-inquiry experiments and a deep-dive into the primary literature. 


This course is designed around the AP Biology curriculum framework and is centered on the four Big Ideas of Biology. Briefly, these ideas focus on evolution, metabolism, genetic information, and complex biological systems. Students delve into these concepts by doing intense open inquiry-based experiments, usually taking multiple weeks for each set of experiments. Class time is divided between the lab and seminars mimicking a college classroom. Students are required to read and annotate primary research literature each week and practice their understanding of the Big Ideas via oral lab meetings. Students discuss the results of their weekly experiments and clarify information from their reading in front of their peers. Students must take the AP Biology exam in the spring. After the exam, students spend time writing mock National Science Foundation (NSF) pre-doctoral research proposals or presenting a summative reflection on their year-long observational studies of an area on campus. 



In Marine and Environmental Science, students investigate the world in which we live by studying our natural resources and how we interact with them. Students learn the scientific concepts and investigative techniques required to understand the environmental problems our society faces today and in the future. The word “environmental” broadly refers to everything around us: air, land, water, and the varied populations of living things. To take advantage of Portsmouth Abbey's proximity to the marine environment of Narragansett Bay, marine biology is emphasized including plant and animal identification and the basic concepts of oceanography. This course examines some of the greatest ocean explorers, the physical and chemical properties of sea water, the ecological interactions and principles that are vital to understanding the ocean food web, evolution of marine life, and all major marine phyla. Increased awareness of the ocean as an extremely significant natural resource is a goal of the course. With our campus-wide green initiatives, conservation is stressed. In the fall the class tours the facilities at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, and spends time on the water collecting invertebrates, viewing the sea floor with an underwater camera, and taking water samples.  This experience sets the stage for what takes place in the classroom during the remainder of the year. 


Medical Physiology is divided into two major sections. The first section deals with the study of basic anatomy and emergency medicine. Students learn how the body functions as well as how to treat and care for a variety of health situations. The second section of this course explores the effects of exercise and nutrition on human physiology, and also examines how recent medical advances can influence us personally.  


Infectious Disease introduces students to the agents that caused some of the worst pandemics in human history and looks at some of the more seemingly innocuous microbes that may emerge in the future. A broad overview of viruses, bacteria, select parasites, and immunology equips students to understand how microbes cause disease and how our body tries to fight them off naturally and with the help of public health’s greatest success story-vaccines. Major historical outbreaks will be covered in detail including the 1918 flu, Bubonic Plague, and various Ebola outbreaks, among others. Students also learn the latest techniques in microbiology that scientists have harnessed using the unique capabilities of microbes themselves, including CRISPR, gene therapy using viruses, and manipulating the microbiome. Readings come from popular-level books, scientific review papers, and news articles, and students perform a week-long intensive lab experiment each term. 

Science and Spirituality 

Welcome to a place where faith and reason converge. 

In the timeless pursuit of knowledge, faith and reason have often stood as seemingly disparate entities, yet at Portsmouth Abbey School they harmonize in a profound song of discovery. As Abbot Matthew Stark, O.S.B., eloquently articulates, "Science is a worthy study because in looking into nature itself, we are looking into God’s handiwork." This sentiment encapsulates the foundational spirit of our approach to scientific inquiry—a conviction that the exploration of the natural world is not merely an academic pursuit but a spiritual endeavor. 

Contemplating the intersection of faith and reason is not only inevitable but essential. Our commitment to maintaining a dynamic learning environment extends beyond the laboratory, encouraging students to engage critically with scientific principles while also contemplating the deeper philosophical and ethical implications of their discoveries. As stewards of both knowledge and faith, we embrace this unique opportunity and responsibility to cultivate wisdom and forge connections between the empirical and the divine.  

Hildegard Forum 

The Hildegard Forum is an esteemed platform paying homage to the legacy of the medieval luminary, St. Hildegard of Bingen. Rooted in the ethos of intellectual curiosity and profound insight, this forum stands as a lodestar for interdisciplinary discourse, converging spirituality, science and the liberal arts in an emergence of ideas. 

Situated as the pinnacle initiative within the esteemed Center for Science and the Liberal Arts, the Hildegard Forum invites a select cohort of students and faculty to engage in profound dialogue, bringing together various points of view informed by coursework, guest lectures and independent scholarly pursuits throughout the academic year. 

This exclusive gathering is extended to both the esteemed student body and faculty of Portsmouth Abbey, beckoning all who seek to explore the intersection of academia and spirituality. 


Theology is, most simply, the study of God. Courses in the department seek to explore what it means to seek God, and how the Catholic tradition has understood this search and lived its faith. While instruction in all classes contributes to the student's spiritual growth, the Theology curriculum uniquely provides an opportunity to explore matters of faith and ultimate meaning. 

The Theology curriculum accompanies the intellectual development of our students, enabling them to integrate their experience of moral and religious life into their academic life. 

Designed in the Catholic intellectual tradition, the Theology Department curriculum is for students of all—and no—religious backgrounds, presenting the Christian faith as guided by reason and human creativity, and addressing matters of producing knowledge, shaping culture and orienting human lives. 


Basic Theology provides Form III students an introduction to Salvation History, the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and the Catholic Church through a reading of the Bible and study of the Catholic Mass and the Nicene Creed. What is the Bible, and how should we interpret it? Who was Jesus of Nazareth, and why is he called the "Christ"? What do Christians believe? What happens at Mass? 

In reading Scripture, students also encounter many basic questions: questions of who I am, of what our world is like, of what it means to believe in God. 

Students encounter questions of morality and of how we should live our lives. They begin to discover questions of meaningfulness and sincerity, of trying to more fully understand who we are. Basic Theology looks at some fundamental Biblical responses to such questions, and engages students in an ongoing dialogue to explore basic Christian faith.   


Advanced Theology presents Form V students with an opportunity to develop their understanding of Christianity, of religious experience, and of themselves.This three-part course centers on a single text surveying Catholic faith: Catholic Christianity by Peter Kreeft. Framed by the work of Kreeft (based on The Catechism of the Catholic Church), students discuss in Doctrinal Theology the essential meaning of Christian faith as it is engaged in global Christian belief and practice. In Sacramental Theology, students encounter the historical roots and theologies of Christian liturgy, particularly through in-depth study of the seven sacraments of Catholic faith. Moral Theology seeks to deepen each student’s understanding of the meaning of important church teachings on morality in our present-day world, while placing an emphasis on the development of one's own conscience and character. 


In Form VI, "Topics in Theology" is divided into three separate elements. 

In Comparative World Religions, the students explore the great religious traditions of the world in historic order… Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Islam were examined… through their beliefs, their scriptures, their worship & prayer, and how these faiths impact the lives of believers & their society.The course particularly considers how these faiths intersect in their mystical dimensions and where they intersect with Christianity. 

Catholic Social Teaching considers the responsibilities and obligations of a just society. How can society be structured to be just? 

Students examine global social issues including poverty, migration, racism, and violence in order to see both the complexity of these issues and the outcomes that most promote justice and human flourishing. This course includes a service-learning component that takes students outside the classroom and into local communities to apply academic knowledge and critical thinking skills while addressing genuine community needs. 

In Christian Philosophy, we see an array of approaches to the transcendentals of ancient and medieval theology: the good, the true, and the beautiful. 

The course explores several dialogues of Plato, offering a basic introduction to philosophy. Students will take away from the full course a deeper self-understanding, as well as a broader perspective on the contemporary world in its search for meaning and truth, in God's merciful creation and salvation of humanity, and our eternal destiny in Him. 

The three topics teach a Catholic theology appropriate to and of vital interest to Portsmouth Abbey School Form VI students embarking into the wider world and anticipating their future college or university research. 


This course extends beyond the classroom and into an active and challenging exploration and performance of Sacred Music. 

The Schola has the opportunity to learn more about music and its connection to the expression of the sacred. 

The class also rehearses advanced sacred music and supplies music for all school liturgies. The Schola has the opportunity to work with both the school's Director of Music as well as with the Director of Spiritual Life, in discovering the vitality in music, a central element in the history of Benedictine spirituality. Participation in the Schola, which is limited to Form VI, is based on competitive auditions.