Streaming Information | Portsmouth Abbey School, Rhode Island


Streaming Information for Athletics 


Streaming Information for Athletics

As part of a school-wide endeavor to bring campus events to all Abbey constituents, Portsmouth Abbey School has formed a partnership with NFHS (National Federation of High School Sports) to stream several of our Raven athletic events. 

All Abbey constituents can subscribe to this streaming service through the NFHS website: 

  1. Visit 
  2. Search for Portsmouth Abbey and go to our page to locate games.

Portsmouth Abbey Sports Network (PASN) 

The Portsmouth Abbey Sports Network (PASN) is a student-operated sports broadcasting operation currently airing over Instagram Live (@pabbeyathletics). Participants gain hands-on experience in sports broadcasting and production including play-by-play announcing and filming live-action events. Through this and other ventures, families from all over the world can watch their Ravens compete.