A Sacred Milestone | We are The Abbey | News | Portsmouth Abbey School, Rhode Island


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Above: Gabe Devaney '25, supported by his sponsor Tommy O'Hara '24, receives the Sacrament of Confirmation.

A Sacred Milestone: Confirmation at Portsmouth Abbey

The Portsmouth Abbey community witnessed the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Church of St. Gregory the Great Sunday, May 12, a celebration marked with solemnity and joy. Under the authority of the Most Reverend Bishop Richard G. Henning, D.D., S.T.D., esteemed Bishop of the Diocese of Providence, and alongside Right Reverend Abbot Michael Brunner, O.S.B., 28 students stepped forward to affirm their faith, embrace their calling within the Catholic community and be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

This occasion marks a departure from the norm, as Confirmations typically occur within the embrace of parish life. However, the School's decision to administer this sacrament underscores our commitment to nurturing the spiritual growth of students in a deeply personal and profoundly meaningful manner.

As the celebrant, Bishop Henning imparted his wisdom and blessings upon the Confirmation class, illuminating their path with the light of faith and guidance. With Abbot Michael standing alongside, the ceremony was a poignant blend of tradition and renewal, echoing the timeless resonance of sacramental practice.

For the students, this Confirmation represents more than mere ritual. It signifies a profound milestone in their spiritual lives.

Through months of preparation, reflection and prayer, these 28 students have embraced the teachings of the Church, deepening their understanding of Catholic doctrine and strengthening their commitment to living a life of faith and virtue.

As they stood before the altar, surrounded by the loving support of their sponsors, peers, faculty and families, these students embarked on a new chapter of their spiritual lives, receiving the sacramental seal of Confirmation, which marks them as fully initiated members of the Catholic Church and empowers them to embrace their roles as ambassadors of Christ in the world.