A Memorable Parents Weekend 2024Portsmouth Abbey School welcomed nearly 900 visitors to campus for Parents Weekend October 10-12. One of the most highly anticipated events of the year, it was nothing short of a success. With beautiful fall weather as the backdrop, parents, students and faculty came together to celebrate the School’s commitment to the families that comprise our community. The weekend began with a welcome reception on Thursday evening that will long be remembered—not only for its warm, convivial atmosphere but also for the magical display of the Northern Lights over the Holy Lawn and the Church of St. Gregory the Great. This rare and breathtaking natural phenomenon added a touch of wonder to an already special event. Parents joined their children in attending classes on Friday for a glimpse into the day-to-day academic experiences of our Ravens. Parent-teacher conferences followed, offering meaningful conversations about students' growth, future goals, and how teachers and parents can best support them. On Saturday, the activities continued with Sixth-Form College Counseling meetings, providing vital guidance for families preparing for the next step in their students' educational journeys. Meanwhile, team practices and games were in full swing, offering a showcase of the talent and dedication of our Raven athletes. The Arts also took center stage, with incredible performances from the Abbey Players, Abbey Singers, Chamber Ensemble and Sinfonia, as well as an exhibition of student artwork in the McEvoy Gallery. The artistry and talent on display left parents in awe of the depth of skill cultivated within our community. Another highlight of the weekend was the Korean Festival, hosted by Portsmouth Abbey’s Korean families. Attendees were treated to a delicious lunch of Korean specialties, providing an opportunity to celebrate cultural diversity and community spirit among all Portsmouth Abbey families. The weekend concluded with School Mass celebrated by Rt. Rev. Michael Brunner, O.S.B. It was a serene and reflective close to a weekend that brought together the best of academics, arts, athletics and our special community spirit. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who made it possible and look forward to welcoming families back next year. |